Overlord Abridged: Episode 1
Calypzo for Shalltear

Shalltear is the second biggest Yandere in the great tomb, second only to her romantic rival, Albedo. She rarely openly speaks well of her, but generally has a professional relationship with the other Guardians. She reveres Lord Ainz as a god among men and practically drools over him at any given chance. When she's out on the prowl, she enjoys toying with her prey and making sure they practically sweat despair before finally finishing them off.
I had envisioned a sort of Victorian England-type accent for her, but feel free to experiment!
I, Shalltear Bloodfallen, Guardian of the First, Second, and Third Floors, pledge myself to our great lord. I serve and obey.
Step off, you old hag! We both know Lord Momonga would take me over you any day!
(sounds mockingly surprised before turning sadistically gleeful)
My my, is that all you've got? For someone who talked such a big game, I thought you'd put up more of a fight.

Ooooh chills!!!

Oh gosh, thank you so much <3

You're very welcome!! Major points right off the bat :)