Petal Dreamers - An Undertale Fan Project

shyner_24 for Temmie

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: shyner_24

hOI!!!11 u wan kno how tEM talk ??? u gota bouy forst!!

  • hOI!!!!!! i'm tEMMIE!! fhsdhjfdsfjsddshjfsd

  • WOA!!thas ALOT o muns...can tem realy acepts...OKs!!!!tem go to colleg and make u prouds!!! (Pause) tem bak from cool leg,tem learn MANY THINs, learn to sell new ITEM!yayA!!!

  • WOA!! u gota... dog residus!!! hnnn.... I gota have dat dog residus... but I gota pay for gradskool. hnnnn....!!! tem always wanna dog residus!!!...! (Pause) b...but... p!!!!!!!!!!!! (Pause; deathly serious) Is this a joke? Are you having a chuckle? Ha ha, very funny. I'm the one with a degree.

Petal Dreamers - An Undertale Fan Project

I re-uploaded it with louder audio :3

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