SunnySide Magic High - Animatic Web Series
kelseypoppen for Ms. Helibe

Ms. Helibe is the alchemy teacher at SunnySide, and also Ms. Arcadia's sister. Ms. Helibe has fought hard for the alchemy course to be taught at SunnySide Magic High, and she absolutely loves her job. Ms. Helibe is headstrong and is very smart, she cares a lot about her student's wellbeing and can sense when something is wrong. She tries to make her class as enjoyable as possible and tries to cooperate with students who don't respect her. She doesn't tolerate discrimination of any kind in her classroom and has good instincts.
Her voice should sound enthusiastic and upbeat, along with a little sprinkle of nerdiness. Feel free to play around with it.
(Let us know if you can sing, and include one or two references)
Please leave your discord!
MS. HELIBE: (enthusiastic, greeting) Morning students! Welcome to alchemyyy! Are you ready to learn?
MS. HELIBE: (stern, yelling) Alchemy may not be a magic subject, but it still demands your respect!
MS. HELIBE: (whispering to herself, giving up) Why do I even try?

I really liked this audition! If it isn't too much for you, could you try doing another audition with a lower voice?

Sure thing :)