Hughez KOLLEGE | Original Animation Series
LycanStarVA for Brock Thorne

Brock is the one friend you can always rely on, he’s overly friendly and particularly a goofy person. They’ve always been easy going and enjoy the simple things in life. Although most consider them quite airheaded, he’s a hard worker and highly respected by most. I think if you auditioned for Mason, totally try this character! Despite their differences, they're best friends. He's quite a giggly character too, he chuckles quite a lot.
Voice wise, he's super enthusiastic, even he lines where he seems more chilled, say them with energy. Imagine the jocks from the corny high school movies (NOT their voices, just their enthusiasm)
Chillax, man. All she did was toss a few papers in the air. I’m kinda digging her, not gonna lie~
Woaaah, you don’t even know us, girlie...
Yeah, man! My blood is full of the U, S and the A!!

My discord name is: Supergoku31#9404