Order of the Grook quest - Voice mod for the enormous MMORPG Wynncraft
EarlBaguette for The Wybel teacher
The wybel teacher is a man who sounds normal at first, but then devolves into insanity as his rants go on.
Alright, fledgeling grooks. Time to hit you with all the info you're really here for! {normally at the moment}
It's poison, I tell you! Wybel meat is horrendously inedible! It'll give you the worst stomachache of your life! The candymakers are feeding us DEATH! {extremely conspiratorial} {Wybel is pronounced Wi-ble, rhyming with "kibble" and "nibble"
It's almost like they miss it, somehow. It's almost like they might be FROM outer space! It's ALMOST like they bring insanity-inducing things into our houses ON PURPOSE! {growing in conspiratorial tones as the line continues}
Heya, I just read on the discord that you need two seconds of silence at the end of a recording or the audition is void - which I didn't do. So, I threw a few seconds on youtube. Thanks. https://youtu.be/N_Fe5TYAr34