The Wind Waker: English Dub - Second Quest
Sydak for Zunari
Zunari is a 40 year old shopkeeper who resides on Windfall Island. He comes from a very cold island, hence the giant coat he wears all the time. He's a very well mannered, courteous salesman.
Open to any type of accents for this role. Provide an additional variant if accents are used. (Suggestions: Canadian, Swedish, German, Russian)
Characteristics: Courteous, well-mannered, thoughtful, collective
Voice Range: Medium
(retelling a tale) My story is a strange one… I came across cursed seas from a land far away… a land where the blizzards blow violently…
(offering in a business transaction) I have but one asset to my name. I wonder if you might buy it from me, perhaps?
(happily) Yes, yes, yes! Thank you very much, indeed! I have received precisely 80 Rupees for it.