Puella Magi Kazumi Magica : Animated Manga Dub
CrystallinedVA for Umika Misaki
A popular novelist who bought the trio's house with her earnings. Her reliable, mature aura changes completely when she has writer's block. She is close to Kaoru and thinks of Kazumi as a little sister. She wished for the chance to meet an editor who would publish her stories.
[UMIKA] “Do you mind if we have a word?”
[MAN] ”!?”
[UMIKA] “You just switched trunks, yes? Shouldn’t you check its contents?”
[UMIKA] “It stinks of something criminal…”
[MAN] “And who are you?”
[UMIKA] “Two middle school students who just happened to be passing by.”
[UMIKA] “The rule of villains in stories.. Is that anyone who leaves food behind is a really bad guy. No one who wastes food will live to see the end of the story.”
[UMIKA] “All three of us used to live overseas. Our parents are still working over there. That’s why the three of us are living together.”