The Wind Waker: English Dub - Second Quest
Joshua Cookingham for Salvatore
Salvatore is a resident of Windfall Island. Long ago, Salvatore hoped to be a famous painter, but that dream didn't last long. He eventually returned to his hometown and came up with his current business plan, a squid hunt mini game. He may appear bored or unenthusiastic, but he's very committed to playing the part of a sea captain and getting into character.
Accent suggestions: Italian, Russian (if accents are used, provide an additional variant)
Characteristics: Unenthusiastic, dry (normally) / theatrical, quirky, dramatic (when acting as a pirate captain)
Voice range: Medium to Low
Word Count note: More lines may be added later
(dry sounding, very mellow) Hey. It's 10 rupees per game for kids. You wanna play or what?
(acting in character, as a sea pirate) Velcome to zee fleet! I am zee great Admiral Dolvalski! Look sharp, for vee are zee sole protectors of zis island!
(making a siren sound) (alerting, greatly a loud) Admiral! Red alert! All hands on deck!
I love this! Especially the end! 😂
Thanks! Have to get that "SPLOOSH!" in there! XD