Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - DUB
Faux Synder for Ema Skye

Voice Actor
Ema Skye
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to:
Ema Skye is a forensics scientist with the Los Angeles Criminal Affairs Department who was the detective in charge of Apollo Justice's first few cases. As a teenager, nine years before she became a detective, she was Phoenix Wright's investigative partner and co-counsel in the murder of Bruce Goodman and also aided Miles Edgeworth in some of his cases.
No Vocal Reference
- Very excited
- Fangirls
- Maya, but serious
"I'm set to be formally assigned to Forensics in three more years."
"Hey! I used to take Organ lessons! They called me "Little Miss Bach" in Kindergarten. Of course, that was before I learnt to play any notes. *single organ note* I never could remember where 'C' was..."

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