Voice Actors for Digital Card Game
JWeimer for Oz'rah, Golem of the North
Formerly a servant of Odin tasked with defending a portal between realms, Oz'rah changed after the death of his creator. No longer content with holding vigil, he now seeks to put an end to those who slew his master. Mechanical, methodical, merciless, Oz'rah cares only for his objectives. There's little emotion to his voice, and only if he faces destruction will his calm demeanor transform...
[The match is about to start] (Ready to battle, confident yet not braggy) "Target acquired. Prepare to be purged."
[Using hero power] (Almost a neutral voice, yet the tiniest bit smug) "Activating beacon. Support arriving imminently."
[Faced with impending doom] (Anger, need to win by any means necessary) "Releasing power restrictions. Deploying emergency countermeasures."