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Faux Synder for Female Voices
**Read for one of the three listed***
What we're looking for: neutral narration VS distinct character voices for spoken dialogue, technical capability
Script 1:
“The entire world, Marcus? That’s insane.” His eyes glanced up and shot straight through me.
“Not insane,” Marcus retorted, “it’s what needs to be done. This whole planet has survived long enough on the backs of the elites; aren’t you tired of the lies?”
My head hung low, and I felt the anger surge within me. But I knew he was right. “Okay,” I said sullenly, “what do you have in mind?”Script 2:
“I don’t know if I’ll ever feel whole again,” I whispered, staring off into the sunset. “They…took everything from me.”
“You’re wrong,” Taylor intoned from behind me, his voice solid and reassuring. “I can still see the hope in your eyes. Every time I look at you.” He grasped my face in his hands, and gazed intensely into my eyes, peering straight into my soul with his own two crystal blue pools of light. “Even now. I can see it now.”Script 3:
"I think we should just walk to the beach," the impatient young child said to the elder, "there's nothing to do here but sit and wait."
"Well, now there's an idea," the elder smiled, "do you think you can walk that far?"
"I can run at least, like, three times that far," said the child, proudly.