Super Smash Bros. Warriors [FAN MANGA] (The Event Madness Arc) - Chapter 4 Miss Killer vs. Geno (Comic Dub) [VOICES NEEDED]
UltraBurst for Castle Crashers (Red/Green/Blue/Orange)

The Knights are the loyal fighting troops that serve the King. There are four high knights, which are the King's most trusted warriors. They are the Green Knight, the Red Knight, the Blue Knight and the Orange Knight. However, these are not the only knights in the kingdom, as the main bulk of his army is composed of lesser knights, known as the Grey Knights.
There are two other high knights who will only reveal themselves when the situation becomes critical and the stability of the kingdom is in danger. One of them is the Blacksmith, a veteran knight who has left the battlefield to continue his life in peace working as a blacksmith, but who will not doubt in donning his armor again if the situation requires it. The other one is the Pink Knight, a joyful warrior. All of the King's knights wear armor inspired by what was worn by Crusaders, as they all bear a cross, save for the Pink Knight, who wears a heart instead.