Demon Slayer: Abridged no Yaiba
ShaneB for Muzan Kibutsuji

Muzan is the main antagonist of the series, he's still as ruthless here as he is in the offical dub.
[Telling his "daughter" something sweetly] No, daddy has business to attend to. When you get older, avoid becoming like your old man, alright? Not to mention I'm a bit worried about what happened.
[Reassuring his "wife" that he'll be okay] Not to worry! I'm just going to check in with the police. Now, hop in.
[Menacingly calm, terrifyingly staring a woman down] Do I truly look like Michael Jackson? Am I perhaps... Bad? Do I look a bit like a smooth criminal? Maybe it's time to burn this disco out, if you get what I mean. You couldn't possibly be more wrong. I'm nowhere close to Michael Jackson, believe me woman.

Thanks for the opportunity! My discord: KingBVA#3438