[Pilot] Argentum Aria: Original Audio Drama
Richard Gibson for King Sylphen
Profile: Current king of the elven kingdom of Myrvindel. Descending from the elven hero Orphio, who founded the nation, Sylphen honors his ancestor’s wishes of keeping the elves to themselves, avoiding needless conflict by keeping the kingdom’s borders to how they were at the birth of Myrvindel.
Personality: Sylphen is a gentle soul who is as calm as a forest breeze through the trees. He is a great storyteller, though sometimes he isn’t conscious of when is a good time to tell them, leading to accounts of some of his subjects being told a long story at what would normally be a quick meeting with their liege. He is a man who honors the values of truthfulness and integrity, and get greatly offended if someone is trying to lie to his face to take advantage of his kindness.
Voice Tip: I am looking for a soft but masculine voice for Sylphen to match with his personality, but with the aura of a king behind said voice.
[Two humans have been taken in to the Myrvindel kingdom for medical attention after being found almost dead on the outskirts of the elven woods. They are now meeting before King Sylphen to be inquired on their intentions of being here in Myrvindel. Upon first being granted an audience, the younger of the two humans thanks him for his hospitality, then quickly tries to plead his case to being granted residence in the country before being abruptly stopped by his companion. King Sylphen takes this well, then proceeds to explain why he can’t be granted residence in Myrvindel]
Line: (chuckles) You flatter me and Myrvindel, Younger Barclavas*. To be honest, many souls have come before me for my blessing for them to acquire residence. Unfortunately, to avoid giving any one country privilege, I unfortunately can only keep you as guests. Please understand, this is not to offend you. I am only doing what’s best to keep an amicable relation with all of our neighbors.
*Director's Tip: This is how you pronounce this last name:
Bar like in barstool
Clavas: pronounce lava as the base, then say lavas as if you are wrongfully saying the plural form of lava. Then, the L sound at the beginning is switched for a CL sound.[Two humans have been taken in to the Myrvindel kingdom for medical attention after being found almost dead on the outskirts of the elven woods. They are now meeting before King Sylphen to be inquired on their intentions of being here in Myrvindel. After a little deliberation, it has become apparent that the humans are lying about their intentions, and thus he demands them to tell the truth, or else the help they might be looking for will be cast aside in favor of them being imprisoned.]
Line: How can you tell me you come in good faith, yet take advantage of my kindness by not confiding in Myrvindel* of your story?! I will ask you again, tell me the whole truth of your situation, lest you prefer to be locked away as I inform the Argentian Empire that I have some of their most wanted criminals, ready to be handed over on a silver platter.
*Director's Tip: This is how you pronounce this word
Myr: Mir as in "mirror"
Vin: Vin as in "VIN number"
Del: Dell like the computer brand