Fallout: Miami
Tori Kamal for Archie
Archie is a scavenger and self-proclaimed business-man who has made his way in the wasteland using his charisma and cut-throat mentality. His cunning has gotten him a somewhat impressive band of scavengers who follow him for his charm and strategic ability. Despite his label as a scavenger, he doesn’t consider himself a bad person and typically tries to avoid harming others when he doesn’t have to. However, when pushed to it, he will kill in order to survive.
- english
Hold up, scav. That your bot? Afraid that's not the case anymore. That thing landed in our slice of paradise, which means it's our salvage now. So why don't you back off or pay up. Otherwise, this bot's going out on the Center market.
I knew you'd be back. Hopefully with some heavier pockets. Ready to make a deal?
You already got your bot, what else do you need?