PENTHOS - Original Visual Novel
Mal P for MS. FLORES

Poor, poor Vera Flores. A fine and upstanding member of the community, she's recently fallen into tragedy. Her beloved sons have been murdered, and though she tries to keep up a strong face, this pain eats at her. Over the course of Penthos' story, she tries to heal from this unfortunate incident, but certain events will push her to her breaking point... and beyond.
Ms. Flores is in her early 40's, and a single mother. For her voice, we're open to multiple interpretations, be they deep and husky, or light and softer. What's most important is that you have a voice that can sound friendly and reassuring - but can also convey the heartbreak and raw emotion of a mother who has lost everything.
[An encounter with two friendly faces who try their best to skirt around her tragedy, hoping not to treat Ms. Flores as a victim-- she can tell they're dancing around it.]
You two are sweet. I'm just happy to see you kids again, all grown up... and together now, too. Ha, just teasing! Well, I must be off. Perhaps we'll see each other again soon.[In the midst of her downward spiral, an unwanted visitor has pushed Ms. Flores to the point of hysterics.]
Go, away with you! Just leave me alone! You... you haunt me! Everyone always... asking me questions... TORTURING ME! JUST! LEAVE ME! ALONE![These are the snippets that will be used as sound effects to accompany text in-game. Feel free to try with any inflection or even improvise!]