PENTHOS - Original Visual Novel
Namoochi for AGNES

Agnes is an unassuming but nevertheless good-natured shrinking violet. She's always been different from the rest, but could never quite articulate why-- but when she gets pulled into the world of vigilante justice by her friend, conspiracy theorist Byrne, she will discover a whole new side to her town - and herself - she never knew before.
Agnes is the lead character of Penthos and appears in every scene. We envision her as being a kind-hearted, simple girl, who usually finds comfort in disappearing into the background, but has now been pulled into more action than she bargained for.
For her voice, we're looking for a lighter voice, one that sounds kind and reserved, almost meek.
[She's brought cupcakes to school as a surprise. Her friend Byrne questions her on the purpose of this.]
You don’t always have to bake for a reason, you know? Sometimes it’s just fun! It’s probably a better use of your time than those crime forums you’re always on.[After a tough challenge, Agnes tries to rouse Byrne with a speech, though she's not much of a natural speaker.]
BYRNE: Agnes, I... I don't mean to get you in trouble.
I know that. But this is on my own accord. You were right. This won't stop until someone captures the person responsible. And the police won't do anything, they don't know how. They need us, Byrne. They... they need you.
[These are the snippets that will be used as sound effects to accompany text in-game. Feel free to try with any inflection or even improvise!]
"What the...?"