PUCN - Main Roster (+ Echoes/Extras)

Iolite for Natsuki

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Iolite

Natsuki is one of the four members of the Doki Doki Literature Club. She is the youngest of the group, but is still at a mature age. While she isn't always the nicest when she meets new people, she tries to hide her care and concern for those she's close to, not usually so willing to open up about her feelings. She should sound a bit high in pitch, enough to make her sound like a teen in her later years. She should also sound a bit defensive at times, but there's times where her concern should come through as well.

  • "Hey, just cause I made these cupcakes doesn't mean you get to eat them all, okay?!"

  • "Hey, don't go thinking that I put THAT much effort into this, it was just something to get out for today. I can do way better than you think, you know?"

  • "...why are you apologizing? I know you're always overthinking things, but, you didn't even do anything wrong..."

PUCN - Main Roster (+ Echoes/Extras)
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