[Pilot] Argentum Aria: Original Audio Drama
DylanKane for Commandant Eustice
Profile: 22 years old, second in command to Marshal Helena di Argentius, who is also the eldest princess of the Argentian Empire. He is a close comrade in her battalion of the Azure Astrales, being by her side since their days when they were just foot soldiers, and is very supportive of providing the best help to his commanding officer and comrade within his power
[With his commanding officer struggling to make her point of trying to chase after the conspirators of Lucia di Argentius’s murder, Eustice offers a valid suggestion]
Line: If I may, could I go in place of Marshal di Argentius? I know I may not be her, but I believe her second-in command would be just as viable an option for them to speak to. I would argue even better, since they could possibly spur my superior into doing something rash that they could pin the empire on.