[Pilot] Argentum Aria: Original Audio Drama
DylanKane for Scipio
Profile: Leader of an elven night watch squad as well as as an aid to King Sylphen of the elven kingdom of Myrvindel. He is a elf that juggles many duties, including being a mentor to the newer recruits in his watch squad.
Personality: Though not the most imposing leader, he carries himself in a way where people respect his authority, but not through fear. Rather, he treats people under his command equally to himself, kind of like comrades in arms, only putting himself in a position of greater authority when issuing orders. He admires the king greatly, and is very reverent to him, though at times he does take the opportunity to ask the king why he feels a certain way towards certain issues.
Voice Reference: Early 30s in human terms, I don’t have an exact voice reference to follow for him. What I will say is that he isn’t one to have a gruff voice, but rather clear in how he speaks.
[While on patrol, Scipio and his night watch hear and are led to a pair of humans just on the outskirts of the elven woods. As they were preparing to take them to the capital to receive medical attention, a squad of cavaliers appeared to dispute the claim as to who would receive custody of the two humans. With the cavalier commander refusing to acknowledge that this is elven business too, Scipio thinks quick on his feet and him the facts.]
Line: Well, forgive my rudeness, but due to where we found them, it is now officially the business of Myrvindel. And please think: the elder of the two is in critical condition right now. Any more arguing would waste precious time he may not have.[As Ronan, Lionel, and Talito, the main characters, begin their perilous journey to the town of Greta in the neighboring nation of Saphirwald, Scipio asks his liege about whether or not they are fit to complete the journey in a rather concerned tone.]
Line: Your grace, I know this may be a rather silly question to ask, but considering the dangers on their path, do you really believe that they have a chance of making it through alive?