Batman: Three Jokers Issues 1-3 Comic Dub
Kailynn H for Red Hood/Jason Todd

Jason Todd is a tragic character in the Batman universe. A young boy who was raised and trained by Batman until that fateful day where Jason was killed by The Joker.
He blames everyone who cared about him for not being there for him when he needed it the most even though that wasn't the case. Especially Bruce. He is determined to murder all three jokers for what they've done. Not just because of what they did to him but what they've done to everyone else. Barbara, Bruce, Gotham... However, he won't let Barbara or Bruce stop him from doing what he thinks he needs to do.
For his voice, Jensen Ackles' style really struck out to me. However, I would like for you to try do your own take on the character. Make sure your take on the character is unique but fitting.
(Weak/In pain but Screaming/Blaming/On the verge of tears) "AM I ALL RIGHT?!! What do you think, Bruce?!! You did this to me! You put me on this path! And I do hate you for it! Fuh-For leaving me in the dirt... Replacing me with one Robin after another without a thought..."
(Taunting/Confident but still intimidating) "I figured you assholes wouldn't know. But I needed to stretch my legs... Heh."
(Writing a letter/Expressing his feelings/Willing the change)
"Dear Barbara...
I want to make a change. But I can't do that without you. I know I've come across cold and distant. But I know you know why. I've always admired you, Barbara. Your strength, your determination... Your heart. You think what happened was a mistake. That it was a moment. But I think we could be great together, I really do. I'll give up being Red Hood for us. I can be something else. Or I can be just Jason. All I need is one chance to prove to you I can be better. And I will devote my life to making you proud. Happy. Loved. If you don't think I'm worth one chance, if it was all just you caught up in everything then throw this letter away. I'll never mention it. I'll even understand. Whatever happens, I love you.
Yours, Jason."