PROJECT STARLIGHT - Iron Oasis [Flight Game Machinima]
kelseypoppen for Blaze 1 | Dune |

Dune, the leader of Blaze Squadron, is a hard-working and efficient young fighter pilot, hoping that mercenary work will serve as a way for her to find her path in life. She leads her team through the effective wrangling of their personalities, forming them into a cohesive unit, though she is not without her own moments of peculiar expression. She will eagerly let her dissatisfaction be known, but underneath is a caring soul that genuinely enjoys the company of those just as lost in life as she is, though she'll rarely ever admit it word-for-word.
Dune is the most overall competent and direct of either Wyvern or Blaze squadron, even with her occasional oddities. She believes in her team, and despite initial hesitations, welcomes Wyvern with open arms. A determined, slightly hard-edge presence with high energy.
Age: Early to Mid 20s
[Dune and the rest of Blaze Squadron engage an unknown enemy force in a heated battle, with AWACS Dragoman just arriving to the scene] (She takes on an urgent tone, currently under fire and outnumbered. Stress as if she's personally dodging every individual bullet. WSO pronounced as "Wizzo".)
"Good to see our AWACS is fashionably late! This is Dune, flight lead of Blaze Squadron! I've got one WSO with me and two allied aircraft still flying! Enemy forces are more entrenched than initially reported! We're in deep shit here!"
[Blaze 2, Proteus, brings up other squadrons under Morgan Security, only to be informed they've been K.I.A. for quite some time] (Genuinely questioning how Proteus did not know, before setting the record straight definitively.)
"Proteus, did you not look at the roster before we left?...Or at any point in the last *month*? Helmbreaker, Stinger, Vortex, they all died at the Bering Strait like 3 weeks ago."
[Proteus feels the effects of a detonated small nuclear bomb, with Fang recommending extensive and costly chemotherapy. Dune quickly brings up budget limitations] (Dune says this half-jokingly, but makes the reference to boats since she knows Proteus was once a sailor, and vastly prefers the ocean to the sky.)
"Not sure if that's in our budget, but we'll make sure he's in something boat-shaped so he can pass away peacefully."