PENTHOS - Original Visual Novel
jglindomrong for AXEL

Axel is the so-called 'angry inch' of the group - the smallest, and subsequently the loudest. Axel's social etiquette might not be up to par, but they wear their heart on their sleeve. They're quick to run out of patience, but from their perspective, they simply just don't have time for the idiots of this world.
In the story of Penthos, Axel is the most critical of Agnes and Byrne's misadventures, and while not actively trying to put a stop to it, they make their feelings about the situation known - well known. Throughout the story, their already short fuse will be put to the test as tensions rise.
Axel is non-binary, and for that reason we welcome male, female and NB auditionees, though we would prefer to cast a non-binary performer. As for the voice, we'd prefer someone with a naturally light voice, trying to achieve a more rough and tough sound, to fit with Axel's character of putting on a tough front. Feel free to play around with your tone and push it if it feels right.
[Axel leads a party given at their house with an iron fist.]
Alright, wuss patrol, listen up. I am the ruler of this domain, hereby I decree: 12-inch anchovies, 14-inch barbecue chicken, 16-inch pepperoni! Got a problem with it, cry harder.[Someone has pushed Axel's buttons by policing their impolite tone...]
And what the fuck is that supposed to mean? I think I'll react however the fuck I want to react.[These are the snippets that will be used as sound effects to accompany text in-game. Feel free to try with any inflection or even improvise!]
"God damn..."