Project F Demo [Paid]
ChiefJerky for Farr Hibern:
The main character. The son of a provincial lord, Alick Hibern. Farr is eager to prove himself to his father. While he starts off inexperienced and ignorant to the darker parts of the world, he grows tougher and more determined over time.
Voice: Prim and proper like a noble, but still determined and heroic.
(Aether from Genshin Impact , Meliodas from 7 Deadly Sins, but not flirtatious
(Pleasant/ kindly) I am Farr Hibern, son of Lord Alick Hibern. It is a pleasure to meet you.
(Doubtful transitions to being resolute) This quest grows stranger by the minute, but if I can handle this then father has to take notice.
(Mix of anger and sadness which turns to solemn confidence) You have caused enough suffering. We will stop you here and now!