PENTHOS - Original Visual Novel
Kenzie Mayne for YUMI

Yumi is the fashion queen of Walpole - though it doesn't take much to earn that title in a town full of cargo shorts and white tees. With an impeccable eye for styles and colors, Yumi's the 'it' girl of her high school, but don't let her status fool you: she's still a kind-hearted, honest girl, and what matters most to her is her friends.
Throughout the story, Yumi's insecurities will be laid bare, as she struggles to keep her friend group together when tension splits them up. These events will not only put pressure on her beloved group... but on herself as well.
For Yumi, we welcome both lighter and deeper interpretations, as long as the voice is lively and theatrical. Though a regular American like the rest, Yumi tends to talk in a more posh fashion, so feel free to affect a light British tone if it feels right for your portrayal.
[Yumi accepts a compliment and returns the positive energy.]
Thank you, darling! You know, perhaps after school, I can give you some pointers on your own outfit. When it comes to fashion, preparation is key.[Yumi takes on a mediator role as she tries to talk Byrne down from going too crazy with his pursuit of justice.]
It's truly alright, dear. It's fine that you want justice, but no need to trouble others with it. It's a lesson we've now learned, all is good![These are the snippets that will be used as sound effects to accompany text in-game. Feel free to try with any inflection or even improvise!]
"Delightful!""Oh, dear..."
"Beg your pardon?"