[Pilot] Argentum Aria: Original Audio Drama
idtalks for Lewyn
Profile: Friend of Talito’s, and part of the night watch squads in charge of the security of the elven kingdom of Myrvindel. Unlike Talito, he is not part of an esteemed lineage, but he wishes to do his part regardless to help out in Myrvindel. He is a generalist in many different disciplines, such as archery, foraging, reconnaissance, and crafting, though he doesn’t necessarily excel extraordinarily in any of said fields.
Personality: Lewyn is a pretty mellow fellow, humble about his accomplishments even if they were astonishing to the people around him. If people remind him about something impressive he did, he’d shake it off with a laugh, and say it was just a matter of hard work and effort.
Voice Sample:
Shannon McKain’s Ashe from FE Three Houses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXQeG9YVJe0&ab_channel=justonegamr
The voice pitch is for Ashe is more or less the foundation of what I want Lewyn to sound like. Also, to be able to channel an aura of humility in his voice to help show his humbleness. The voice pitch can be fiddled around a bit, as I am not opposed to hearing several different approaches to this voice.
[Tired after a night of patrolling the Myrvindelese border, Lewyn opens up a conversation with his friend Talito questioning the frequency of the nightly patrols, considering the friendly relations Myrvindel had with its neighbors]
Line: You and me both (yawning). I really want to know why we have to do border patrols so often. The last time we had a remotely dangerous threat was those disorganized bands of brigands a few months back, and even they chose to respect our borders after some encouragement…[During the same conversation, Talito complimented Lewyn for his display of marksmanship earlier that month by shooting the hat off of a brigand leader without killing him. Lewyn merely laughed it off, and instead laughed worriedly about what would’ve happened if the arrow accidentally killed him.]
Line: I kind of surprised myself too. I just started practicing piercing apples straight through with an arrow. Kind of wondering now what could’ve happened instead… ehehehe.