The Text Adventure Chapters- Paid Call! #3 *CLOSED*
katabelle for The Queen

Due to this character being in the Second incomplete chapter of the story, the payment shown is the minimum payment based on current amount of lines. This may increase depending on how the Chapter continues & the success of the fundraising.
Note: Non-white/ BIPOC VAs only, please
Loyal to only herself and her family, the Queen is a very powerful woman, eager to accomplish that which she desired from life. Only the best is good enough, and even then she may never truly feel satiated. She would do anything to see her family succeed, and has done things she knows to be manipulative and wrongful in order to ensure this, though she would do it all again in a heartbeat.
There’s no accent requirement, only that she sounds regal & as if she’s been raised with a noble lifestyle.
(Furious, slightly desperate. Arguing, yet trying to keep the noise down. Everything she's worked towards is at risk.)
How did they find this information? We have lasted this long without the truth coming to light, and still someone insists on putting everything we've built into turmoil! For the love of the gods, tell me you have some form of plan to fix this.
(Quiet rage, as if a nerve's been hit, but not wanting to cause a scene. Stops herself before she can finish.)
Dare not mention her again, or so help me I shall-
(Much calmer now she's addressing her child, though she's not hiding the leftover spite too well. )
Come now, let us back to bed. I'll be there momentarily to sing you to sleep.
(Turning her attention back towards her partner, with whom she was arguing. Maintaining the calm best she can, though she's still furious.)
I'll speak to you later, dearest.
Thank you for the bronze, kimerakii!!! :D