Project F Demo [Paid]
katabelle for Tom Hempstall
The son of Oscar and Helena Hempstall. Oscar left the village that morning and Helena is nowhere to be found. Tom understands his father has left for work but is confused by his mother’s disappearance. However, as a hyperactive child he is easily distracted from such concerns.
Role size: Minor
Voice: Energetic to the point that he struggles to get a sentence out without interrupting himself and losing his train of thought. (Bennett from Genshin Impact )
(Bragging/pride) My dad is delivering our village’s taxes to the lord. That makes him a super important guy!
(Admiration turns to puzzlement) Have you met William? He’s a really cool guy who works in the windmill. I haven’t seen him today though.
(Slight concern turns to slightly chuckling) Jimmy always looks so worried. He needs to chill out! Maybe we should let him play with us.