~Rise From The Ashes ~: Artists and Supporting VAs (ADDITIONAL ARTISTS STILL OPEN - More roles TBA)
taeaart for Artists
We already have some amazing art talent on the team already, but we could aways use extra help in the art department! As an artist, your role on the team is vital - to bring the characters, settings and assets to life! Of course, there are a lot of different characters in this story, so the more artists we can get on board with a consistent art style, then the better and again, there are plenty of spots available on the team~
Note: Some of the sprites may involve signs of being wounded, bloodied or tied up, so if this discomforts you, please let us know in advance.
Artists can include additional character artists, promotional artists, assets and backgrounds. Any and all are welcome to join our team! We may cast more than one person for this role, but do expect to be notified when any decisions are made!
If you are interested, please attach a link to any existing art you have made yourself, labelled with its category in your submission comment (if you can colour and shade as well then that is a bonus!). The art should preferably have been done within the last six months to one year (so we can get a feel of a recent art style) and be in an anime type style (similar to the 'Zero Escape 999' or Danganronpa artwork style) OR a style that closely matches the existing placeholder images shown by the characters. Most importantly, have fun with it~!
Say something you think would fit
Hi Tae! I'm so so sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I've been pretty tired this last week, so I'm replying VERY late to this, but :') I gotta say: Awwww! Your art style is really cute! There's something charming and really pretty about it, some great skill there indeed and your own unique take on such characters too :) It isn't quite the type of art style we had in mind given consistency is important, but you have some great talent! :D What types of art would you be willing / enjoy working on?
Thank you so much! I appreciate the feedback :D As for the art style, I'm willing to replicate for this project, I think replicating the DR art style would be too time-consuming for me personally. I'd be willing to do a simplified DR style that holds back a bit on the painting aspect, and the style of the first ZE as well. I believe I can replicate any anime-inspired art style quite well, as that's the style I specialize in. As a color enthusiast, I also believe I can use an appropriate color scheme for a darker story. I'd say my greatest areas of expertise are coloring and character design, though I do illustrations most frequently.
Hi Tae! Sorry for the late reply, I've been on camp for the week and only just got this. Thank you so much for answering and detailing your strengths a little more :) Honestly, on the art side of things, as many hands on deck is useful in that department. I really do like your style and enthusiasm though Tae, it means a lot! :D If you're still interested in joining us then we'd love to have you! :D My discord is Abitat Eco#8882 so if you're interested just shoot me a friend request and I'll invite you to the server :D Thanks so much and take care for now Tae :D