Patience's Tale(CASTING ONGOING)
Mr EMC for Quentin Anderson
Quentin is 11 and is a twin to Jaime Anderson(his older sister of 1 min) . He's quiet and hates conflict. Bullied a lot for his quiet un-sporty nature. He likes to read and loves listening to Ethan's stories. He wants to be a writer just like Ethan. He also struggles with his mother's high expectations of him to become a S.T.E.M. model student when he's older. He's got a fiery temper though when provoked and isn't afraid to bite people who antagonize him. He's been sent to the principal's office for this.
Please Ethan? Just one more story. I promise I'll go to sleep!
Why does mom want me to read this boring science stuff? I want to be a space pirate. Or get a cool job working for the movies! It'd be so cool to be an actor...
(growls like an animal) I'll BITE you, Mikey Gunders!
Under consideration great job