Ayto Barbie S2 - Female Contestants
Hawke's Howl for Miranda Matteline Pratt

Miranda is one of the 11 female contestants. She is very girly, ALWAYS wears pink, and wants a happy fairytale princess ending. Other contestants in the house refer to her as a "cupcake" She is optimistic, enthusiastic, she can also be very school girlish giggly. She falls in love very fast and hard. She can also get VERY angry when pushed to her limit (think Bubbles from Powerpuff girls, she is very sweet and girly until she gets mad) she spends most of the episodes pining over a guy who doesn't feel the same for her, I want her romantic idealism and longing captured in her voice. Miranda is not all sunshines and rainbows, she is actually very problematic. She can be very dishonest and even manipulative. She likes to play the victim in the situation, and she is VERY good at it. She doesn't have bad intentions, but she is very good at not accepting responsibility for her actions. She has a huge plot line throughout the series, lots of lines and long monologues about how she feels. (She talks too much) however, she's only in 9 Episodes.
Miranda's plot line is the biggest in the entire series. Please have lots of time to give her your best work if you take on this character!
My name is Miranda Matteline Pratt, I’m 23 years old and I am so ready to find my happily ever after.. I have had my eyes open for my future husband since the SECOND GRADE! Just think about that! I’ve kissed WAY too many frogs on my journey to find my prince. I’m ready! I’m gonna find him! And everything is going to be amazing!
So during spin the bottle, Jake spun the bottle and landed on me and when we kissed, Something AMAZING happened....Something that ONLY happens in movies…. His lips touched mine and it was like ZAP. SPARKS. CHEMISTRY. FIRE WORKS. ATOMIC BOMB EXPLOSION. Instant heart flitter flutters!!!!!!! I’m about to risk sounding sooo corny but…… With a kiss like that… I mean he has to be the one right??? How could he NOT be the one!?
*Improvise something you think Miranda would say based on her other lines and description*