PENTHOS - Original Visual Novel
SkyWolf_03 for GURO
Guro is... well, Guro. To be more specific, Guro is the quiet, reserved one of the group. He barely ever speaks in sentence longer than a single word, but nevertheless, he's still a valued friend, and values his friends in turn.
In the story of Penthos, Guro once again takes a backseat to the action, but the events that take place will push him out of his shell... and maybe not in the best way.
For Guro, we imagine a deeper, monotone voice. Guro's under the influence of certain narcotics, so he might speak a bit slower.
[Short, off-hand, straight to the point.]
I don't want you guys at my house.[In a rare moment of honesty, Guro has to speak his mind, and it's not exactly his strong suit.]
She's right. All I have is you guys. This group is the only thing giving me comfort. I don't want to lose... this. Lose you.[These are short snippets meant to be used as sound effects for the shorter lines, but in Guro's case, they're the majority of his dialogue.]