Oleander Resort
caseyschryer for Rosaline “Rosie” Kramer

19 years old, from Russia. Despite her generic “punk” outward appearance, she’s very sweet and cares deeply about others. She can lose her temper now and again, and accidentally comes off as abrasive sometimes, but she’s overall a kind, caring person. It’s also very heavily implied that she’s in a relationship with Lina. She has a light-medium Russian accent, and her voice is a bit on the deeper side.
(Confident, then embarrassed) “Me, I was taking a walk on my college campus. Probably wasn’t a good idea to be out so late at night...”
(Turns wistful after ellipses) “Even though I hate to sound like an asshole... I almost wish she turned up here, too.”
(Laid-back, matter-of-fact) “Ah, me? I’m fine. Keiko’s an ass, but that’s just the world. People are gonna be asses, and there’s not much you can do, y’know?”