Creawell: An Original Storyboard Series
Richard Gibson for Zion Moore

Zion Moore is a 21 year old man who stands at 5'10 and is a new (and kind of unprofessional) recruit in the FBI. Because of his sexuality, his parents kicked him out and abandoned him when he was around 13 which has caused Zion to struggle with his whole identity. After years of living on the streets, Clara took him in and became his older sister. Since then, Zion has become a lot less timid but due to his parents absence, Zion is described as harsh, hotheaded, and insecure. However, he is also incredibly street smart, and has a witty sense of humor. He has an entertaining nature to him, which makes him attractive for many folks. As we watch Zion in the series, he learns to accept his sexuality and and identity, which then helps him trust others more easily.
Along with Clara, Zion's voice is up to you. However, I am seeking to cast a VA with perfect comedic timing and can easily capture a sarcastic, dry sense of humor and delivery, as well as easily being able to show his soft side and his suppressed anger at some parts. Any accent is fine, especially a New Yorker accent, but I have no preference. Zion does cuss profusely though, so please make sure you are comfortable with that before auditioning.
(Introducing) "Yo, the name is Agent Zion Moore. I work with the FBI...surprisingly. Shit, uh... I'm not sure what else to say...fuck. (Clears throat) I really like playing the bass. Y'know I tried to start a band but everyone kind of fucking sucked so I called it off, but I'm thinking if this FBI thing doesn't work out I could definitely do my own thing, if I had a solo album, I would definitely call it something like...Downtown Rainfall or...Oh shit, I was supposed to arrest you."
(Upset) "I'm not a fucking child! I'm 21 FUCKING years old! I'm allowed to do my own shit. Hell, I grew up doing my own shit because, hey! Don't you remember? I had no FUCKING parents looking after me cause the jackasses ditched my ass! So I can fend for myself, bitch... I have been for basically my entire life. Goddamn."
(Content, jokingly) "Damn, dude. Calm your tits and grab a bottle, it's in the fridge...You look like you're about to fucking murder someone. If you do, don't get it on the carpet. Clara will beat my ass with a club."

Love the energy.

It's a good voice for higher energy character I feel, lol. Kinda pegged him as a guy who wants to do *something* but doesn't quite know what, so there's a lot of pent up energy bursting out at random...