Night in the Woods: Mae's drunken rant & the car ride after + Shapes (Gregg)
lights silver for Gregg

I always pictured Gregg with a high-pitched voice, but I'm not too picky. Do what you feel is best!
Also: The lines are just suggestions from the scenes, but feel free to use more or different lines as long as they convey the emotions within the context of those scenes.
Here are the scenes that feature Gregg if you need a reference: PARTY (script) and SHAPES
"Dude. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Dude, you should have called me! We could have come and rescued you. Woulda like kidnapped you."

I think your voice is pretty good! But if I could offer a little constructive criticism, I think your mic might not be picking up your lines entirely, as their volume fluctuates quite a bit, making the lines sounds weakly delivered even if maybe you didn't intend it that way. Either way, thank you for auditioning!