Game of Throns (a game of thrones abridged/ parody) Game Of Thrones Abridged
rethink-anything for Will the Night's Watchman

Voice Actor
Will the Night's Watchman
Role assigned to:
Just a peasant who was sent to the wall and saw something he shouldn't have.
Be right back, I need a piss.
(after seeing the white walkers pretending to be corpses) Nope... Nope... NOPE. FUCK THIS! NOPE!
(Improvise something funny you think he might say)

Game of Throns (a game of thrones abridged/ parody) Game Of Thrones Abridged

my pop filter broke but new one shipping in in a few days.

It broke? How did it break? (unless it's one of those fancy ones with it's own stand and everything)

No, I um broke the filter when moving houses.

Ohh, okay, I hate moving, so much stuff goes missing/gets broken
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