LapisMoon for Narrator
We are looking for TWO narrators to share this job, as it will be a long one. I am going to give you freedom with this role, as I want to see what you can offer.
If you are flying directly into a hurricane, it is probably useful to be a dragon who can see the future.
Then again, if you are a dragon who can see the future, you are most likely far too smart to fly directly into a hurricane.
And yet, according to Clearsight’s visions, that was exactly what she needed to do.
She shook out her black wings, which were already tired from how far she’d flown all morning and the day before. Her talons clung to the slippery wet rock below her. Her scales felt itchy with salt from the ocean spray. Above her, the sun peeked wearily through cracks in the dull gray clouds.
She closed her eyes, tracing the future paths ahead of her.
In one direction — south and a little east — there was a small island with a warm sandy beach. Two coconut palms nodded toward each other and there were lazy tiger sharks to eat. The
hurricane would pass it by completely. If she went there, Clearsight could rest, eat, and sleep in safety. Then she could continue on in two days after the storm was over.
But in the other direction — a long flight west and slightly north — the lost continent was waiting for her.
But now that it was happening to his family, Blue found it extremely nerve-racking.
He was already awake when Luna bounded across the web and started shaking him shortly before dawn. He wasn’t sure he’d slept at all. For a while, he’d been watching the glow of tiny lights moving far below them in Cicada Hive, imagining himself as one of those
early-rising dragons on their way to work, awake before the sun. In the distance, he could see Hornet Hive in one direction and Mantis Hive in the other, although the webs that connected them were mostly invisible in the dark.
He’d never been to any of the other Hives, but he knew they were spread out in a wide circle around the plains of Pantala. The enormous dragon cities rose from the grassland and reached for the sky like towering, dragon-made echoes of the trees used to dominate the land. Their roofs arched out like branches and the dense silvery threads
SilkWing webs created a canopy tying those branches together, so even wingless SilkWing dragonets could travel between Hives far above the ground if they wanted to (and were allowed to).
He yawned and batted Luna’s talons away, pretending he’d been in a deep sleep. Dewdrops glittered all across the web around and above them as if it had rained tiny diamonds in the night. He could see the silk-bundled shape of Luna’s mother on the outer edge of their cell, still fast asleep. His own mother was on a night crew these days and had been gone since midnight.
Please find a scene from the book to read yourself, feel free to skip over character dialogue if you'd like.