object rebuttal(voice actors and artists needed)

JavierMAG for earphones(right speaker)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
earphones(right speaker)

  • righty the twin brother to lefty the headphones twin and member of the stellar universe he's easygoing,fun,unsure and a coward he like's to play video games in his freetime

  • species:headphones left speaker

  • age:16

  • voice:medium. he has a unsure tone

  • (is very tired)"im tired lefty can we sit down"

  • (is scared)"atleast we're not alone"

  • (is jumping up and down excitedly)  "yeah the stellar universe sound like a good name"

object rebuttal(voice actors and artists needed)

sorry i have moved the auditions on to another account https://www.castingcall.club/projects/object-rebuttal-4ce42c21-923a-4724-b6bd-b6386c41c3ff

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