Housepets! the Animated Series
Green Onion for Mr. Bigglesworth
Species: Cat
Breed: Siamese
There are at least eleven cats with the name Mr. Bigglesworth, and they’re all Siamese or Siamese mixes, most are not blood-related, and some of them are even female. They chalk it up to their owner being a crazy cat lady. A few of them have fun with it in order to mess with the heads of animals who aren’t aware there’s more than one.
The Bigglesworths are a group of Siamese cats that share the same owner, who named every one of them "Mr. Bigglesworth", including the females. There are at least eleven of them (the most shown at the same time so far). Since they all share the same name and look very much alike, it's hard to tell them apart and even they struggle to do so. The only exception is that one of them wears glasses. It's practically impossible to tell the difference between the males and females, and because of the masculine name, they're often assumed to be male.
They're coming around the bend! It's Bigglesworth followed by Bigglesworth! Bigglesworth is cut off by Bigglesworth, and Bigglesworth takes advantage and passes both of them!
It's more common than you think. Without the little details, we can barely tell each other apart!
Roll call, everyone! Mr. Bigglesworth?
(like 8 or 9 at once): HERE!