Black Heart Billy (Comic Dub)
RMCAST for Doctor 1
Concerned doctor. Kind of pompous and dramatic.
--beer! Remarkably, his brain survived for hours in it!
Are you insane, Daniel? This procedure will cost millions of taxplayer dollars! How can we possibly justify such an expense?
Okay... What the hell! [note: "What the hell" in the sense of "Let's do it"]
Volume is too low. If you have a "gain" knob on your mic/audio interface, turn it up. A general rule is to aim between -18 and -6 DB range when speaking into the mic. If still too quiet, use "Normalize" in whatever DAW you're using (i.e. Audacity, FLStudio, etc.) to up the volume across the board. However, "Normalize" can only fix so much before the audio gets distorted. Use with care. Cut out dead space to so there is only a second or less between takes. Great acting. Audio quality is good.
Thank you so much for your feedback, as we speak I'm playing around with getting the audio to sound right. The audio has not come in correctly since I have bought the microphone, however, I will continue to get better THANK YOU!!