Once Upon a Kingdom - A Fantasy/Animation Short
Maia Harlap for Royal Guard
Voice Actor
Royal Guard
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to:
Maia Harlap
A royal guard under the command of Sir Gawain. This character has no name, but does feature in a few scenes.
We’re looking for a female actor. We don’t have a specific type of voice in mind for this character (but would prefer a non-male voice), so we highly encourage experimentation.
(This line is spoken after the surviving soldiers have retreated after the initial attack. The situation seems hopeless, and they discuss how best to retaliate.) “No. There's too many of them. We won't last 'til dawn.”
(This is just a simple command, but make sure to give it all you’ve got!) “Archers! Fire!”
Thank you for auditioning! We'll wait with casting all the roles until the deadline has passed, but we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
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