Once Upon a Kingdom - A Fantasy/Animation Short
JP Wright Voice Actor for Lancel
Lancel is also a soldier, but considers himself to be slightly above the rest of them. His father IS a general after all. He takes quite a bit of issue with Ilaine, who he deems to be undeserving of all the attention she’s given by Sir Gawain. He fails completely to realize his own double standards though, and is mostly just a big pain to almost everyone.
We’re looking for a male actor with a voice that sounds condescending and “know-it-all”. Preferably someone who can speak with a lighter Irish accent, as though you're trying to cover it up.
(This line is spoken to Kaye, just after Lancel has dropped some condescending comments to Ilaine.)” Look, I'm just saying, I've never heard of a squire being knighted unless they know all this stuff. Have you? I've seen to many squires who can't handle themselves in the slightest, which she obviously can't either. First sign of a fight and she'll cowardly be running for her life, mark my words. I'm just giving some friendly advice here.”
(Here, most of the soldiers are gathered around the campfire at night, and Lancel the oppourtunity to tell one of his “brilliant” dwarf-jokes.) “All right! How about this one: What did the dwarf say when he left for work? So short! You know, instead of "so long"?”
Thank you for auditioning! We'll wait with casting all the roles until the deadline has passed, but we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Thank you and i look forward to hearing from you!