Once Upon a Kingdom - A Fantasy/Animation Short
MaxThatActs for Orick
Orick is a soldier, but quite the inexperienced one. He likes to mess around and crack jokes. Seriousness is just another way to spell “boring” according to him. Messing with Kaye is even more fun since he’s so easy to irritate.
We’re looking for a young male actor with energy and a “happy go lucky” to his voice, preferably someone with a good comedic timing.
(This line is spoken to Kaye as they are standing on guard duty. Try to focus on the timing here!) “I spy something... (looks around at the rubble of the abbey) grey, old and boring. I'll give you a clue. It's not your face.”
(Here, Orick and Kaye have just heard a noise from the forest. Try and break character a bit here, and focus more on being startled than energetic and comedic.) ”What was that?”
Thank you for auditioning! We'll wait with casting all the roles until the deadline has passed, but we'll get back to you as soon as we can.