Met You in Kindergarten
PandaNinjaGirl729 for Hero~Chan (Version of Aoyami)
Hero~Chan has a medium-low voice. She is in charge of the team and takes charge when everyone is staying behind. She has a powerful tone, but her tone can also be low and shy at times.
"We gotta make sure everyone's safe! No one left behind!" (yells out proudly)
"Midoriya- just because you were chosen to control One-For-All, doesn't mean you have it completely controlled."
"Bakugou, Wolfy, Midoriya, meet me in the building after 5 minutes I go in. Things can get deadly.."
Oh yeah and the third line read ¨meet me in the building after 5 minutes I go in.¨ I think it was supposed to be ¨meet me in the building 5 minutes after I go in.¨, so I said that.
you're correct on that last part. It was around midnight when I did hers, so I wasn't paying attention ;w;. But I love your audition! If you were the best one or no one else auditions after a few weeks, you got the part ^^