Charity Chaos - Sonic the Hedgehog Comic Dub
VoiceFOURHire for Knuckles the Echidna

Please see the audio/auditioning rules at the top before auditioning. The Knuckles we all love, except now he's in a new bind: being bid on very aggressively both by Sonia and Rouge (two of the richest girls in Mobius). What's a poor guardian to do besides stand uncomfortably in a tuxedo listening to the heated bidding going on? Looking for a mainstream Knuckles type voice.
(responding angrily after Manic realizes he lost his chaos emerald) I'm betting it was that bat girl! She's always after the emerald. I'm sure she's responsible!
(calling after Manic has run off to find Rouge) WAIT!! I can sense the emeralds! Let me come with you! (clenches hands into fists, very mad) GRR...! He's just as bad as Sonic!
(shouting upward, as Rouge escapes) HEY, get back here, bat girl!

Heh heh yes. This is very good! I have no further comment. You've auditioned quite a bit -- much thanks! I will let this listing run to it's natural expiration at the end of the month and then choose the voices.