W.I.T.C.H. (Issue #1) Comic Dub
CaseyJoy for Cornelia Hale

Cornelia is 14 years old, and the oldest W.I.T.C.H. girl. The eldest daughter of a high-class family, her father is Harold Hale, and runs a very successful bank. Her mother is Elizabeth Landon Hale, who looks almost exactly like Cornelia, and is very strict. As well as a younger sister named Lillian who is somewhat of a pain in the neck.
Cornelia is calm and normally friendly taking a leadership role in the group after Will. Cornelia comes off rather cold with boys, ignoring most and having a low opinion of them in general. She is a romantic at heart, however, believing love to be stronger than magic and willing to do anything for the one she loves. Cornelia loves ice skating and hanging with her friends. She hates the fact that her parents spend more time with Lillian than with her.
(amused) Controlling quizzes! She thinks she's a big shot, but she's just a beginner!
(teasing) That's strange, though. I thought Matt-ematics was your favorite subject...
(friendly) No worries! Not everyone in fourth class is like that.
(annoyed/yelling) Shut it, you little toad!
(surprise) I... I can't believe it! Just a thought made it happen!

Omg I don't know why your comment disappeared! "Stellar job! This was exactly what I was looking for! Some lines weren't delivered in the way I would have liked, but it's not your fault, (there wasn't enough context for them). I think the only thing about your performance I would change is the pitch, (you sounded just a little too old for 14). Fantastic work all around!" Thank you so much for your feedback and kind words, I'll definitely work on that!

Yo, I have no clue. This website is kinda broken fam. The comment still stands.


Thank you so much!