Ghostbusters Advanced
Joshua Louis for Trey Mathers
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The eldest of the group at age 25, Trey can be rather irascible, especially when his teammates come snooping into his lab, disturbing his equipment. Mathers, the team's chief engineer, is in charge of both developing new devices to fight and capture ghosts, and monitoring their large containment unit. As such, he tends to work the most with Doc and Anna, but gets along with everyone the same way: poorly. While brilliant and rightfully proud of his work, he can also be rather lazy and hard to convince/motivate. Imagine Doctor McCoy as a college student with a dash of Gregory House. Again, he speaks in technobabble half the time, and has the belief that if you don't understand it, you don't deserve a translation. He's quick to dismiss what he feels as stupidity, to the point where it can blind him to solutions staring him in the face.
Of course the Ecto chooses now to die, right when there's a giant hellbeast chasing after us. Stupid piece of junk...
That's great, Ted, real comforting. I'll be sure to tell my grandkids about how this car saved my life and -- oh wait, I won't be having kids. I'm about to get mauled by a ghost dog!