A Musical Rivalry- Gacha Club Voice Acted Mini Movie
Ezel for Addison/Brooklyn
Addison and Brooklyn are sisters. Addison is a white turkish aurora cat while Brooklyn is a black one. Both sisters have powers to make things appear/disappear and to disguise themselves as others. They are in a group called the purrfect illusionists with two other members. They all want to split Sparkling Aria and Tide Crush apart. Addisons voice is more higher while Brooklyns is lower.
I'm Addison! I'm Brooklyn! , and together we are the illusionist sisters!
You thinking what I'm thinking sister? (Addisons voice)
If we split them up they won't be able to win! Not on our watch. (Brooklyns voice)

Hello! I really liked you're audition , so much so I think you're voice would fit with my next mini movie Lolita Princess! You would make such a good Chloe! Unfortunately you're voice didn't fit with Addison but if you're still interested in trying out for a voice acted mini movie , I think would have an amazing chance at voicing Chloe!
Miss when is it ill join ill try my best next time xD

The beginning of January , but at the latest early 2021. I know that seems like a long time but its going to be worth it since I'm putting a lot of effort and detail in my mini movies. From animations to props to custom backgrounds.