Camp Drama | gacha club Voiced series | (tweened hopefully)
vanity for Vivi
Vivi is a very rude person. She doesn't care about most people. And has little to one friends. She is a brat and thinks she deserves everything. She has a terrible family which is the main reason she acts this way. She is the leader of the cocky three
Voice type: medium, high ( play with her voice!)
(mean, making fun of)
well well well, look what the cat dragged in. I thought after your "wonderful" performance as a cow you would have switched schools. (laugh)
(talking to her like a kid, and then yelling)
Well, I'm sowwy. did I hurt your feelings! YOU BRAT
(happy, then change to sad)
Mom! dad.. look what I did.
nice audition!! the only think im saying is I would have wanted a higher version if you take a look at other audition example anna's that's kind of what I'm look for :P