Game of Throns (a game of thrones abridged/ parody) Game Of Thrones Abridged
cuspyrucus for Theon Greyjoy

Being Theon might take some acting skills, as you're essentially playing as two different characters.
(As Theon) The ironborn are well known for their charm and MLG-ness on video games, too.
(As Reek) Uhh... b... b... b... but I can't... I dunno h... how to do that
(Improvise something funny you think he might say, whether it's as Reek or Theon, is your choice)

I love it.

Thank you! By the way, any idea when the casting will be finalised?

It'll probably be a few months, as finding voice actors for the smaller roles will probably take a while, so probably around september is when episode one will start being developed :)

If I could use emojis on here it'd be like 20 thumbs up emojis and some heart eyes thrown in there for good measure.

Thank you so much! That really means a lot!